This is an event taped from Japanese TV. I don't know most of their names, but I'll give you as much info on the matches as possible.



1. Singles match, pretty short.

2. Tag - team match, also short.

3. Tag match featuring Tomoaki Honama.

4. 3 - Ladies tag match. Excellent technical / high - flying match.

5. Singles match, GREAT technical match. These two (whoever they are) can really carry a match.

6. 8 - man tag team war.


Main Event:

7. Great Pogo, Shadow WX, Shadow Winger & Shadow VII vs Show Nakamaki, Mitsohiro Matsanuga, Jason the Terrible & Masked GK


Ther is barbed wire boards,

Bardbed wire baseball bats,

Light bulb,

Spike deathnail board,

There is also cactii and DRY ICE in the ring!

There is a great bump from the stands 15 feet up as someone falls on a pile of tables and then his opponent does a FLYING BODY PRESS from the stands!

A Spider net - there is a separate ring which is covered in a barbed wire net, and has ladders / staging in the middle - and it get used!

Great Pogo has his bag of tricks with him too - a saw, an ELECTRIC DRILL, an ELECTRIC SAW, chains, a baseball bat with NAILS sticking out of it!


This whole show is a great example of both technical matches and hardcore matches.



The video quality on this video is Good.


If you have any questions or to order this tape, just click here.