Matches Include:
Kurt Angle vs Tazz
Tazz makes his WWF debut!
Tag Team Championship Match
The New Age Outlaws (Champions)
vs The Acolytes
Triple Threat Match For The
Intercontinental Championship
Hardcore Holly vs Chyna vs
Chris Jericho

Swimsuit Competition
Terri vs The Kat vs Luna vs
B.B. vs Ivory vs Jackie vs Mae Young
Tag - Team Table Match
Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz
Royal Rumble Match -
Participants Include:
The Rock, The Big Show, Kane,
X-Pac, Test, Val Venis, D'Lo Brown, Godfather, Rikishi Phatu, Big Boss Man, Prince Albert,
Al Snow, The Bulldog, Viscera, Joey Abs, Taka Michinoku, Gangrel, Mideon, Steve Blackman,
Crash Holly, Edge, Christian, Funaki, Stevie Richards, Scotty Too Hotty, Grand Master
Sexay, Mosh, Thrasher, Mark Henry, Rodney
Heavyweight Championship Match
Cactus Jack vs Triple H

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